Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sand in the hourglass

I totally been neglecting this. Its a shame. Time seems to go by without doing anything at all. I been feeling old for a while now. And I realize how old I been looking lately. I really need to shave my head. It isn't helping. Oh well another thing to add to the list.

I am thinking of getting a Corolla now. Its cheaper than the Civic and about the same as the Focus now. Being taking note of them on the street and they seem to be roomy inside and they are a good size (why oh why did I think I needed a large car?).


Bolivian Ferret said...

Corrollas ride nice, too. How've you been?

Anonymous said...

more room in the back seat?
how many bodies the trunk can hold?
I just need a 2 body trunk.

sig said...

I been fine. Too tired lately but it would help if I would sleep. Wanna ride in my corolla? ;)

2 body trunk? Why does that worry me. My current trunk probably could hold 4 though.

Anonymous said...

4, eh? I can muster up 2 extra bodies around here somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to ride in your corrolla wit cha, babe! Might make for an interesing ride. ;P