Sunday, August 14, 2005


Spent the weekend reading the DaVinci Code. It was decent. Needed an edit job I thought. At points, the writing became fairly weak. These nicely 3-D characters would all of a sudden become these 2-D rants against the church, opus dei, male oppression of women- take your pick. Good idea in general, pretty good plot and flow. But yeah the writing left something to be desired.

The weekend was boring but relaxing. Truly relaxing. I think I finally stopped caring about work in any other sense than a job. I definitely stopped caring. Too much stress, too much effort.

I decided I need to get off my butt and read the books that been waiting for me. It is a real shame I just sort of stopped. Same thing happened with working out. I also want to change that too.

Apparently, I am creepy again (if I ever stopped being). Not a huge surprise. Could be worse than creepy I guess. It is always an interesting juxtaposition of comments like say T/M's a couple of months (weeks?) back to other, often unexpressed, feelings about me. And compare them both to real life. Such a diversity of opinion and yet still the same old me. It is interesting the money thing came up again. I guess it is all part of fpf lore and it won't be change no matter the truth.

Always interesting to look at my sitemeter. Some hits I can ID right away. Some out there definitely are interesting and I have no clue who they could be. To my very bored readership, Hi! I would post more but I think that would only discourage you from doing something more exciting than reading this blog.

1 comment:

Amir said...

Wow, it's pretty impressive you could sit down in one weekend and read The DaVinci Code, or any other book for that matter. I'm the type of person who takes a good 6 months to maul through a book. Hmmm, wish that were different.