Saturday, July 09, 2005

London and the Flytrap

To me it has always been clear why I could never be a republican. I am a scientist by nature. I value data and facts above all else. If it doesn't work, then you figure out why it doesn't work. You don't keep doing it in hope that it starts to work. It always astounds me that people do this.

The latest example is that the London bombings provides "proof" that we need to keep the same direction in Iraq due to the Flypaper theory. Of course, this is absurd at best. The Flypaper theory, if it was correct, would prevent things like the London bombing. Hasn't anybody noticed that we have had bombings every year since 9/11 (e.g. Bali,Madrid)? It is time to start to pull out. The Iraqis have to stand on their own. We have to find Bin Laden.

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