Monday, February 21, 2005

10 Things and a couple more

1. I have met several people from the net.

2. I have had sleep paralysis and insomnia off and on for a long time

3. I am at work far too much but I don't actually work enough

4. I don't have nearly as much money as everybody seems to think.

5. I am amazed at how much I have accomplished in life considering how lazy I am.

6. I am afraid of growing up which is why I don't own a house, haven't bought a new car, and why I refuse to apply for management.

7. I been in love once.

8. I hate buying things for myself.

9. Physically, how I feel ranges from complete crap to marginally below par on a day to day basis.

10. I came thisclose to not going to college at all. Not of my own free will either.

11. I was complimented on my penis today

12. I worry that I will someday get Alzheimer's like several of my relatives

13. I feel old (see 6)

14. Hypocrisy is my one big bugaboo

15. I need to get laid.


Anonymous said...


Eric Carlson said...

complete crap to marginally below par on a day to day basis.

That is a pretty good range...

-Eric Carlson : Revolutionary